Thursday, July 31, 2008

This can't be good, Part Two!

One nice thing about doing home improvement while no else is around is that your work isn't interrupted - following a brief mishap - by womenfolk insisting you get sutures or a tetnus booster.

While replacing the subfloor on our sunporch (thanks, Idiot Dog) I managed to lose my balance when poised on a couple joists while holding a 4x8 panel of 3/4 inch plywood. My left leg went right through the particle board battens catching the edge of a storm window stored under the house on the way down. Once the stars and tweety birds cleared from my vision (the panel having landed on my head) my first clue I hadn't gotten off scott-free were the bits of flesh on the corner of the storm window.

Oh, well. I didn't bleed very much, so I showered, washed out the two parallel scars and doused them in betadine. Then I wrapped up with antibiotic ointment, gauze and an ace wrap, the ace bandage was close at hand due to my sprained ankle. I'll spare you a picture this time. I did still manage to get the remaining two panels in, so the project is not too far behind schedule. But I think I'll cancel my plans to hoist a barrel of bricks to the roof until next week.

1 comment:

Boz said...

Home improvement does not equal body improvement. In fact, you will most assuredly finish a home improvement task with a body that's substantially less functional than before. Heal well.