Sunday, October 19, 2008

Recovery week

Not one to let grass grow under my feet, I'm back running. Heartland 50 recovery was quick. After a couple of bike rides, I ran on the South Creek trail in Springfield, MO, on Thursday. Saturday, I rode downtown with an old friend, Rueben, to see Obama at the Arch grounds. And today, I ran a circuit of Forest Park (54:38). My legs feel okay, but they don't have the ooomph for faster running yet.

1 comment:

ninja trainer said...

Just started reading your blog. Very impressive and makes me want to "go for it" too. Recently acquired an old bike...vintage maybe '60' handbrakes, just the old pedal brakes. Got it home, tried it out and almost flew myself into a neighbor's yard. Not funny. Once I got upright, though, it was fun to ride down the driveway into the garage. Gotta get those brakes under control, though. Can U retrain your brain to be 6 years old again? I'm not giving up, though. Maybe I'll pass you on the street sometime in south city. Never can tell about the human spirit, can ya?