Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Final post for 2008

It's been a busy few weeks here at UltraScott. We did find a new house and have relocated; still in town, but closer to the park and work. My bike commute suffers from our change of address though, because it takes almost as long to air up the tires as it does to get to work.
I was a little cranky during the move because I wasn't able to ride or run because of all the busyiness and the weather. Sunday, I headed out for a jog and I rode yesterday for a few miles. I want to get in shape for the Tour of California.
My brother invited me to join him to watch the prologue and ride and watch a portion of stage one. It should be a lot of fun. And the timing is perfect. I had resolved to spend more time this winter training for the Brevet series; the prospect of this trip will get me out the door for the next few weeks and stoke the fires for an April campaign.

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