Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wintertime training

It's not really training, if there's no event on the horizon. I haven't been sharpening this winter so much as I have just been trying not to get too lazy. Cold, windy weather and a new routine in a new house have slowed me down some, but I've stuck with it.

Ups and downs. The bike commute is shorter, but running in the park is much easier. I rode 50 km on the fixed-gear two weeks ago, 100 km last week, but only 20 miles on Monday because it was too cold and windy. Today, had a pretty satisfying 6 mi run. Ups and downs.

I marvel at Stephen's fortitude because he's getting the long runs in and hitting the tough trails. I will to, as soon as I replace my trail shoes. Tomorrow (my birthday), I plan to ride to work and maybe do a loop around Forest Park on the ride home

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