Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Update: 200km and 300km Brevets

The Brevet series has been rolling along nicely, though it has presented some hurdles. The second 200km on March 21st was something of a challenge with milder temp's but higher winds. The 300km on April 4th was a bigger challenge yet with strong winds throughout the first 110 miles that really beat up my legs. There were a couple of 15-mile stretches that had 15-20 mph headwinds. Not as bad as 2006's first 300km (which had rain, gusts up to 50 mph and a 14-mile detour) but a challenge nonetheless. We've got another 300km to knock off before the 400km. Hopefully all this hard work will get me ready for the 400km and 600km events. Last year, I did the 400km on one 200 and one 300, this year I'll have twice as many miles.

I'm trying to get back into running to get some exercise midweek. I rode 65 miles Sunday out to my in-laws, but I need the running to stay active and focused and keep my weight under control. I did a loop around Forest Park this evening and had great time. I need to get out there more often.

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