Sunday, August 16, 2009

Naked Bike Ride and (clothed) training update

Saturday marked my first participation in the St. Louis Naked Bike Ride. I arrived barely in time to start at 9:00 pm. I really had no excuse not to attend because everyone asked me last year whether I had participated and it begins about 100 yards from my house. I wasn't brave enough to go the full Monty; a speedo had to suffice. But it was terrific fun. No pictures of me, though Amiya did try to snap a picture with her friend's phone. (There was a video, I posted briefly last night, but it's already been yanked -Ed. Well, it's back now - look for UltraScott's back at 1:55 or so).

I'm already thinking of a more daring outfit for next year. Sam summed it up best surveying the racous crowd at the start, "I don't know what's more exciting: the nudity or the energy conservation."

Training has gone well the past few weeks: 10 miles running last Sunday and then 13 Saturday morning as well as a few jaunts around Forest Park in the meantime. I've lately gotten in a couple of brisk 30+ mile rides as well. And today I rode the fixed gear to my in-laws for a 54-mile workout. Once in Wentzville we had a nice little celebration for my sweetheart's birthday.

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