Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Off-season is On!

Not much to report from Ultra Scott Central. I caught a cold at Christmas time and have been in low energy mode ever since.

Cold weather and general malaise have been the order of the day though I am starting to pull it together for the occasional run and short bike ride. I ran four or five hours a couple weeks ago in St. Charles and managed to get muddy and lost, but at least it was a good workout.

One positive of my layoff has been that it allowed me to start homebrewing again. I brewed a delightful pale ale shortly before the first of the year and have already consumed the whole batch. This past weekend I brewed a brown ale that I'm excited about. I do wonder if it had a high enough starting gravity, but if not, it'll just be a mild. I have been brewing with a partial mash - mashing a couple pounds of grain and adding extract.

But on the exercise front, I am hoping to get some riding in in the next few weeks to get ready for the Brevet series. Stephen invited me on a trail run Saturday, but I think if the weather is halfway decent, I should ride for a few hours instead. It's time I went out on the Riverfront Trail for windy, punishing ride. I'd like to do everything, but realistically I need to ride myself into shape this spring and use the summer to get ready for a trail ultra in the fall.


Stephen Reynolds said...

If you are not running this Sat., then you must reserve a bottle of your Scottish brew for my finish at the Free State Trail runs or Kettle Morraine.


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