Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring is Here!

Well, not really. But this winter, any day that it's not snowing or raining torrents is spring-like. Brew-to-Brew training has been going well enough. On the 8th, I did another urban marathon (in my new shoes) which went fine. Last weekend I took just a short run on Sunday before Church. The weather was nice, but my gut rebelled (probably from too much pizza the night before) and I sprinted from porta-potty to porta-potty looking for TP. A meager four miles. C'est la merde!

Today I'm beginning my taper for April 6th. I'll do 10 to 15 miles this morning and maybe 8-10 next weekend - but fewer miles and maybe some biking will be the order of the day. After all, the cycling season begins the Monday following B2B. I'm very excited about knocking out the first 200km on the fixed-gear bike. I have a spiffy new Carradice bag to put on the revamped fixie - so, stylistically, I'm there. Now let's just hope the wind is not too bad on April 12th.

1 comment:

Boz said...

I look forward to putting in some miles with you this spring. On the bike, that is. Good luck on the B2B!