Sunday, April 13, 2008

Two hundred kilometers, one gear

Bob and I completed the first Brevet of the season yesterday in smart order. The fixed-gear performed flawlessly and the ride went pretty well for my first ride over 40 miles since last October. Who knows maybe I'll try the 300km on old blue.
Yesterday's pace was leisurely because of the fierce winds. I've done the calculations, but it seems the best wind is little or no wind. Yesterday featured a crosswind all day long and temps in the low 40's... and rain. A perfect Randoneurring debut for Bob; if yesterday didn't scare him away, nothing will.
This is a shot from last year's event. We had to take a different route from the one represented here because of flooding in the low lying areas. But that was okay because it meant most of the farm dogs were stranded on the roofs of their dog houses and could only bark as we paraded by.

1 comment:

Boz said...

I thought about you and the 200km often on Saturday. I couldn't imagine being caught out there in that weather. Until I rode for 2 1/2 hours in it on Sunday. Great job and good to see ol' blue still answering the call.