Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lazy Sunday

I thought today would be a good day for an update. Things are slow at Casa Ultra Scott. I have not done much training for the 600km next weekend, but surely I can knock out 213 miles the first day. I do need to replace the front tire's tube because the valve seems to have failed. The 600km is going to be fun; a chance to get some fresh air and forget about my troubles for the weekend and bragging rights when I get back home.

The other good news is the completion of the new around-town bike seen above. I sold the Varsity (the "Wizard of Oz bike," as it was dubbed) and converted that money into an early '90's Schwinn Mirada. After a few weeks of stripping and painting and gathering parts, the new bike is finally roadworthy. I'm very pleased with how it turned out and look forward to many pleasant hours spent commuting and bumming around town. I just need a rack and a milk crate for the back.

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