Saturday, June 20, 2009

600 km ride report with Action Photos!

June 13th and 14th saw the St. Louis Area 600 km Brevet in south central Illinois. The weather promised to be cooperative, warm but without high winds or torrential rain. We pedalled off at 4:00 am Saturday morning.

I rode alone to Okawville just checking systems and doing pace-calculation games in my head. Stephen the Elder met me at the 80 mile point so we could visit and get a ride in together. We headed east as I gradually warmed to the task. By the time we reached Dix (mi 111) the heat was starting to take its toll. No upset stomach, but my temp was rising. I worried a little that last year it was on this stretch to the next control (at mi 141) I bagged it. I did have to stop and recuperate once in the shade, but I made it to the checkpoint, with my dignity intact.

I caught up with the other leisurely-paced guys on the road (though I had been seeing them at checkpoints) a few miles later. Dennis, Ralph, RBA John, and I made our way south always keeping each other in sight. It turned out Dennis and I work in the same field and knew a lot of the same people - so it was delightful talking with him.

The low point for me was the last 15 miles into the overnight on a steamy, buggy, gravel bike trail - it seemed to last forever. The only strategy I can think of for next year is to get there earlier so I won't have the bugs and darkness to contend with. I reached the motel (mi 211) at 9:50 pm, I guess.

We started day two, John and Dennis and me, at 2:45 am. Though we all wanted to quit the night before - the next morning was not too bad. The rain held off, the hills were rideable and by mile 250 or so, the whole exercise seemed doable. Sunday was uneventful - it was hot and we had a headwind, but it would take more than that to stop these intrepid randonneurs! My stomach was feeling a little rebellious, but other than that and some sore tendons (bad shoes the second day), everything worked out. Finish time was 38:04.

I could have done with some more training - I don't ever see myself riding one straight through, but I could boost my average speed. Dennis and John are talking about a 1200 km this Fall, but I'll have to think about that.

And now your moment of zen...


Stephen Reynolds said...

Amazing ride!

To lesser souls like myself, 1200k seems a little excessive.

Scott said...

You're too kind, 600 was tough but do-able. But the 1200 km is whole different ball of wax.