Sunday, July 5, 2009

Going Backwards

Excuse-making is the most important weapon in the distance athlete's arsenal. I suppose my schedule has finally caught up with me though. I've been slacking off big time. I rode 51 miles with Boz and Keith and assorted friends of Boz on Friday last. It was fun and, as expected, I barely hung on with 4200' climbing but I didn't embarrass myself. What has troubled me since is how all my friends are so serious about their training. Boz consults with a dietitian, Keith is doing two-a-day's, and Stepehen is running hill repeats. I have no focus. The members of my small fitness fraternity are going forward, I'm going backwards.
What keeps us striving is the quest to better ourselves; to set goals and achieve them and then seek out a new goals. My goal since last October has been: Don't Become a Total Sack of Crap. Sure, I have gotten some miles in. But when I reach for that extra beer or finish the last bratwurst, my conscience doesn't bother me at all. So what if I run a little slower tomorrow? Or if I run at all? I'm not training for anything.
I'm going to take the next two weeks in Montana to reassess, to get in some consistent miles, pick an event and build a schedule. I need something to get me out of bed and out the door: maybe it will be a 50-mile trail run or marathon with a time goal. Any suggestions?

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