I finally put the ankle/leg to the test this weekend. I rode 75 miles Saturday with no problems. The Specialized Tricross has its matching wheels thanks to the good folks at
Mesa who built me a Mavic rear wheel to go with the dyno-equipped front wheel Boz sold me. I rode over to Illinois and had a good time, about 14.5 mph average. I'm not 100% back, but the ride went well.
Surprisingly, the ankle felt better for the long ride and so this morning I chanced a brief 5-mile run (my first since July 19th). And it was great fun too. I had all but resigned myself from dropping out of the Heartland 50-miler, or perhaps pacing Stephen for a portion of it. But I might be able to tackle it yet. It will be a while before I do any technical trail running, but maybe I'll get some on-road miles in to build up my endurance between now and October. Tomorrow will be a busy day, but I'll try another run on Tuesday.
In other news, my daughter has a 2000 Jeep Wrangler thanks to my old man. I'm still not convinced a five-speed Jeep is the best vehicle for a 16-year old with a three-week old license. But I won't begrudge Dad doing something nice for his grandkid. (Heck, the boy now has two guns from the old guy and what 15-year old wouldn't like that) Just the same, it may be a while before she's driving it on a regular basis. Also, we found a nice house today which we'll probably make an offer on. It's near the top of our price range, but who knows what they will take as an offer. We've got our fingers crossed.