Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wintertime training

It's not really training, if there's no event on the horizon. I haven't been sharpening this winter so much as I have just been trying not to get too lazy. Cold, windy weather and a new routine in a new house have slowed me down some, but I've stuck with it.

Ups and downs. The bike commute is shorter, but running in the park is much easier. I rode 50 km on the fixed-gear two weeks ago, 100 km last week, but only 20 miles on Monday because it was too cold and windy. Today, had a pretty satisfying 6 mi run. Ups and downs.

I marvel at Stephen's fortitude because he's getting the long runs in and hitting the tough trails. I will to, as soon as I replace my trail shoes. Tomorrow (my birthday), I plan to ride to work and maybe do a loop around Forest Park on the ride home

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

California dreamin'

Honestly, there's a special place in hell reserved for people that get to run with vistas like these. I've always said the problem with the midwest is that gets cold during winter, but not cold enough to do anything - just cold enough to make you miserable.

Well I'm going to try to work in a groovy trail run while I'm in California next month - the Dipsea trail (actually a double Dipsea because I assume I'll have to find my way back to the start). So I'll have to do a little hill work between now and then. Plus, I want to look good in my bike kit on stage one.