Thursday, October 21, 2010

My new fixed-gear bike?

Click here for a larger version of the picture

This bike would satisfy my twin enjoyment of cycling and lawn care. (Photo courtesy of crazyguyonabike (though I forgot which journal)).

Went running yesterday morning but I probably won't do anything more until Saturday because my office is moving. We're going to be busy.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Short long run

Saturday, I stayed stateside to run on Grant's Trail for a short long run (or a long short run). Went 16 miles and had a great time. Went slow and steady on the way out and picked it up on the way back while rockin' the tunes on my MP3 player. Ideally, I'll carry some of that magic over to next weekend's 20-miler.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another good run in the park

Repeated last night's run again this evening. Very enjoyable. Though when I got home, I ate too much leftover pizza. I really need to jump on a November marathon to take advantage of this fitness.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Surprise Run

Today was to be bike-run-bike day. Rode into work, moderated some squabbles, and left around 5:30 pm for a run around the park. All the way there I obsessed about the growing darkness and the dropping temp's thinking I should bag it or just run 3 miles. But as so often happens, once I hit the course, I had a great run. A steady effort at a good pace for 5+ miles - altogether a satisfactory workout. That is so often the case; when I'm pumped for a run, it's merely okay. But when I dread the run, it turns out well. I don't know why it went so well, but I'll take it and put this evening in the positive energy bank.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Excellent Bike Ride

Decided to get some biking miles in today because I had the day off of work. Rode over the McKinley Bridge with the intention of riding to Edwardsville. Honestly, they should call the McKinley pedestrian bridge the "Bridge to Nowhere." The MCT Schoolhouse trail is but a mile or two away from the foot of the bridge, but there is no easy way to get to it. Nevertheless, I still reached Edwardsville for a cinnamon roll, iced coffee and bookstore perusal. On the way back I met Sharon - originally from Bristol in the UK - and her kids in tow. We had a nice visit as we were both headed the same direction. You meet the nicest people biking. All told, I guess I logged about 70 miles.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Second long run of the season

Really, second 20-miler of the year on Saturday. Went back to the Madison County trail network for another stab at 20+ miles. I did so a couple of weeks ago and it was tough because all the water was on the front part of the course. I ran it in reverse yesterday, but it was still a slog because the weather was warmer 70's to 80's. Still, I stayed on my feet and I don't feel bad today and I didn't binge yesterday, so I guess it was mission accomplished.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Trail run a bust; sausage shop a boon

Court yesterday lasted too long - if I had run I would have been home late. I decided to visit Stonie's Sausage Shop instead - it was great fun. I even bought a shirt for the boy (though he was decidedly underwhelmed).

Ran in Forest Park this a.m. Six miles were fun and a good start to the day. I can't understand why there aren't more people out in this mild weather.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bike commuting

I only rode to work and back with a detour to the supermarket on the way home. Good riding weather except for late afternoon gnats. Still beats driving. Tomorrow I'm off to Charleston, MO. The bootheel region has very few recreational opportunities so I will try to hit Hawn SP on the way back for 6-10 miles of trail running.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Morning run

5.5 miles in a newly chilly Forest Park. Very enjoyable; I wish every run was so delightful. What will I do when it starts getting dark at 4:00 pm? Weekend was a bust. My planned 100-mile ride on Saturday was cut about 65 miles short by rain. But Molly and I did ride to Church on Sunday, a first for her.