Saturday, August 22, 2009

Training update

I'm starting to feel a little bit in shape the past few weeks. I ran 16 miles this morning on Grant's Trail and it went very well. It was a lot cooler though, so that helped. Grant's Trail is pretty boring because it's so flat, but it's good spot for long run with the MP3 player. (Image coutesy the Trailnet website)

I think I can ramp up the miles in time for a Fall marathon. I'm eyeing Des Moines on October 17th - my shirt from the ingural run back in 2002 bit the dust and it was one of my favorite shirts. Plus Des Moines in 2002 was a bad marathon for me in terms of hitting the wall. It was my second marathon and I guess I got cocky because I burned out over the last 6 miles. I'd like to go back and have a better time (if not a faster time). The trick will be to stick with the midweek running. I feel like I've lost some weight since I stopped drinking. Beer has a lot of calories and it tends to make me binge. It's been two weeks already and with the money I save on beer, I can pay for the entry fee.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Naked Bike Ride and (clothed) training update

Saturday marked my first participation in the St. Louis Naked Bike Ride. I arrived barely in time to start at 9:00 pm. I really had no excuse not to attend because everyone asked me last year whether I had participated and it begins about 100 yards from my house. I wasn't brave enough to go the full Monty; a speedo had to suffice. But it was terrific fun. No pictures of me, though Amiya did try to snap a picture with her friend's phone. (There was a video, I posted briefly last night, but it's already been yanked -Ed. Well, it's back now - look for UltraScott's back at 1:55 or so).

I'm already thinking of a more daring outfit for next year. Sam summed it up best surveying the racous crowd at the start, "I don't know what's more exciting: the nudity or the energy conservation."

Training has gone well the past few weeks: 10 miles running last Sunday and then 13 Saturday morning as well as a few jaunts around Forest Park in the meantime. I've lately gotten in a couple of brisk 30+ mile rides as well. And today I rode the fixed gear to my in-laws for a 54-mile workout. Once in Wentzville we had a nice little celebration for my sweetheart's birthday.