Monday, April 7, 2008


Brew-to-Brew 2008 is in the books. It wasn't too bad; I had a low patch from miles 25 to 30, but after that it was mostly smooth sailing. Thanks to Stephen for keeping us going in westward direction and to the race organization and the KC Trail Nerds and their terrific aid station that propelled us through leg 10 much faster than last year.

Today I rode a spinning cycle at the YMCA for an hour to loosen up my legs. I can't wait until Saturday and the first Brevet; hopefully the weather will cooperate


Boz said...

You are unbelievable. A 1-hour spin the day after running 44 miles. Other men sit and tell stories of real guys like you!! Well done. If I weren't racing a crit on Saturday, I'd saddle up and hit the 200km. Good luck and I hope you get little to no wind.

Scott said...

Boz, you're too kind. It was a fun day and it only took nine hours; less than a 200km on a fixed-gear. We have to get together for speed workout (for me) and a recovery spin (for you). Good luck at the race - I know you'll smoke the competition!