Sunday, February 10, 2008

Psycho Wyco 2008

Fun, fun, fun. Lots of mud and lots of walking but I finished. The first loop of this 50 km trail run was tough and it only got tougher as the weather warmed and the permafrost turned to alternately slick, yet shoe-grabbing, soupy mud. For 20 miles. It took a while, but it wasn't bad for a first effort.
Stephen kept us moving forward and made sure I didn't tarry too long at the aid stations. I enjoyed it. I have to think that any future trail run less than 50 miles in length has got to be easier than Saturday's run. Once the old legs loosen up, I'm going to register for Brew-to-Brew.


Boz said...


It fits you like a glove! Goes together like a fixed gear and a 125-miler.

Scott said...

Thanks. I already have the new fork/stem/bar combo on order. Maybe I'll try Sandy Creek on the fixed-gear...