Monday, May 19, 2008

400km ride report

Still too tired for a clever title. The 400km - the ride I dread the most - is now history. It was tough; they're always tough. But I made it and I shaved a few minutes off last year's time.

Bob (seen here at the Tour de Missouri) and I rolled out of Edwardsville at 6:00 am Saturday. The weather cooperated and we made Control #2 in good order. Bob was riding the 200km which he finished in 11:30 despite a bum knee. Truly an audacious performance!

My troubles started in Okawville at mile 78. I had trouble finishing my lunch and it was over 50 miles to the next food & water. By the time I hit mile 130 I just didn't feel like eating and was getting dehydrated. By the time I hit the northbound leg at mile 150, I had recovered somewhat but still couldn't eat much. And at mile 180 it was getting dark which brought my speed down from a daytime average of 15+ mph. The heat played a factor too. Heading north into the darkness, I caught glimpses of the computer reading "12 mph." And, darnit, the headwind I cursed most of the day evaporated just when it could have helped push me home. Though it did reappear as a headwind at mile 220 in the form of brief rain/hailstorm. I'm pretty sure the RBA has weather -control machine. I finished in 19:41, not a great time but a new best for me.

What would I have done differently? I think my fitness was there, but I should have done more bike-specific training. The legs and butt were okay, but my shoulders were sore and I fretted unnecessarily about little aches and pains most of the day. I've done this year's Brevet series cold - no long rides this spring and I relied instead on running to stay in shape since last fall. But Lance was wrong; it is about the bike. That is, I should have spent more time on my bike. The occasional bike commute (12 miles, roundtrip), even on a fixed-gear, is not sufficient. No matter how you slice it though, 252 miles in one day is going to involve a little suffering. I am looking forward to the 600km on June 6-7th. Happily, it allows for a brief nap. And, I rode to work today with no ill effects, so I think I'm good to go...

In other ultranews, Stephen Reynolds, trail-running deity, completed the Jemez Mountain Trail Run 50-miler in New Mexico on Saturday in 15:46. Not too shabby. I'm envious and I definitely want to do a trail fifty someday soon now that Steve has shown it's do-able. Who knows? -maybe my biking fitness will get me there.


Boz said...

Brother, you rock!! There's a reason I call you Ultra Scott. Perhaps I'll be fast someday, but I don't think I'll ever get to Ultra-status. Well done.

Stephen Reynolds said...

Trail Running Doofus needs to clarify the record:
1. Bob is the man!
2. Scott is too self-deprecating. 600Km and 24+ hours on a bike. No way. Be sure to do it on the fixie!
3. I came in 8th .... from last (but there were 60 DNF's in a field of about 155). The course was brutal --- three 10,000 foot peaks, black diamond decents and a field of talented runners from ages 20 to 70. Los Alamos puts on a great trail run -- a mini-Hardrock. The town, the volunteers and organizers are awesome.