Saturday, March 13, 2010

The (bad) Luck of the Irish

Feeling guilty about not having worked on the old house lately, I decided to forgo a long bike ride and instead run the St. Patrick's Day 5-mile race so I might have my afternoon free. I have never been superstitious, but one mock superstition I hold dear is: never wear the race shirt to the actual event. For 25 years, I avoided doing so. Initially, because I felt I needed to earn the shirt. And later, so not to look like a total piker. But this morning I wore my new shirt because it was one of the few green shirts in my wardrobe. Sure enough, I spilled boiling water on my leg minutes later while making coffee. Apart from a few minutes of cursing and a small blister, I was no worse for the wear. The run went fine, though I did switch from tights to shorts.

In other news, I was disappointed "Up in the Air" failed to gain the Oscar attention it deserved. I think that was in no small part due to this scene below having been deleted from the final edit. I know, this is really Facebook content, but I was reading the 2009 Boston Marathon results:

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