Sunday, July 20, 2008

This can't be good

Yesterday's trail running went awry when I sprained my left ankle on the Greenrock Trail. It wasn't too bad at first, but when I crested the next hill a few minutes later it twisted again on an innocuous rock. Stephen sagely suggested heading back (our run ended up being 7.5 miles instead of 10 - not that that matters). I gamely tried to run it in because it wasn't particularly painful, just unstable.

But it's painful today. And what has me crabby is how much of my non-athletic pursuits are ankle-based: gardening, tidying the basement, and bike refurbishment. All I have left is beer drinking and NT Greek (which never occupied that much of my time if the the truth be told). I guess blogging wouldn't be too taxing on the ankle.

So maybe I'll find a model kit and watch the Tour as it heads into Italy today. I suppose I should have gone with Boz yesterday; then I would only have sprained lungs to contend with

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